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nursery tale 童話。


We did not cross - examine , having no the enthusiasm , having no the justice , having no docile , have no dream , have no love , have no nursery tale , have no hope , have no , have no , everything all have no , left the white life in this naked and nude 殘 , is left the content with present condition 屈 in realistic numbness with helpless with doesn ' t matter 我們沒有了追問,沒有了熱情,沒有了正義,沒有了善良,沒有了夢想,沒有了愛情,沒有了童話,沒有了希望,沒有了,沒有了,一切都沒有了,只留下了這赤裸裸的殘白的生活,只留下安于現狀屈于現實的麻木和無奈和無所謂

American parents struggle in a competitive world where sheer cunning and falsehood are often rewarded and respected , but they feed their children with nursery tales ( in which the morally good is pitted against the bad , and in the end the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished ) 譯文:美國家長在一個爾虞我詐備受推崇的競爭世界中努力打拼,卻用童話故事敷衍/搪塞孩子們,故事/從中講述正義與邪惡作斗爭,最終總是善有善報、惡有惡報/正義取得勝利而邪惡受到懲罰。

Belong to our worlds , fine but again brief ; i can collect as treasure those bitter and astringent green fruits silently , collecting as treasure a beautiful but sad nursery tale for the elephant , purely true age , always think i would connect together with your world , also think the virgin soil of virginity can compose to write new of < > , who anticipate a god lane person 屬于我們的世界,美好而又短暫;我只能默默地珍藏那些苦澀的青果,就象珍藏一個美麗而哀傷的童話,純真的年代,總以為我和你的世界會連在一起,也以為童貞的處女地可以譜寫新的< > ,誰料上天弄人

Bessie , lee must , i think , have been a girl of good natural capacity , for she was smart in all she did , and had a remarkable knack of narrative ; so , at least , i judge from the impression made on me by her nursery tales 李一定是位很有天賦的姑娘,因為她干什么都在行,還有善講故事的驚人訣竅,至少保育室故事留給我的印象,讓我可以作出這樣的判斷。

A traditional british christmas entertainment for children , usually based on nursery tales and featuring stock characters in costume who sing , dance , and perform skits 童話劇為兒童演的一種傳統的英國圣誕節娛樂劇,常以幼兒園故事為基礎,演員裝扮成牲畜進行唱歌、跳舞和表演滑稽劇。

But i , sit by the side of computer , feel the oneself resemble an in hopes of nursery tale the princess of the love , at wait for my prince replies 而我,坐在電腦旁,感覺自己像個期待著童話里愛情的公主,在等待著我的王子的回復

A lover ' s hope resembles the bean in the nursery tale , - let it once take root , and it will grow so rapidly 情人的希望宛如童話中講的那顆豆子- -一旦它生了根,就會飛速地成長。